#branding #logo #music #nature #goldenratio
Logo design created for the Neuhäuser Musikfestival in the city of Holzminden, Germany.
Art (Kunst) and Nature (Natur) were the two visual references for developing the symbol concept.
The Brand symbol was designed from the creation of constructive structures that follow the Golden Ratio logic: 1,618 = Φ (Fibonacci´s sequence)
The deer (Hirsche) is a typical symbol of the region (Neuhaus im Solling). Nature is represented by this animal in a position where it looks up to emit a loud roar to communicate.
Art element is represented by music and the notes on the animal's paws.

Tests with a range of typography styles.

The "Filson Pro" font was chosen for the mark.

The color palette was defined from the tones of the vegetation, soil, and the deer itself in interaction with the sunlight on a cold day.
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